Taking sustainability seriously – because we care about tomorrow

Other companies talk about “going green” – but we went green a long time ago. That’s why we can justifiably claim to be experts in the field of sustainability. We have always applied this principle to our products and we put it into practice in every area of our business.

To ensure we continue to improve our environmental performance in the future, we are certified to the environmental management standards DIN EN ISO 14001 and DIN EN ISO 50001.

Made from natural ingredients

Our base material is 100 % pure nature! It’s not difficult to count the basic ingredients from which it’s produced: wood and starch, mixed with water. And absolutely no bleaching or chemical processing.


We use local wood from sustainably managed forests and water that flows past our gates.

Our production process relies exclusively on wood from thinning that cannot be used by the processing industry.

Our production process

We take an eco-friendly and sustainable approach to our production process, using a state-of-the-art heat recovery system and two in-house hydro plants to maximize energy efficiency, plus a closed water loop to conserve resources.

Thumbs up for composting

KATZ non-laminated beer mats are biodegradable, so they can be composted after use. And we use vegetable oil-based dyes and paints in our offset printing presses, so our products are free from mineral oils.